
Monday, 5 August 2013

7 Tips for Creating Children's Joy of Reading

For many children, reading or learning to read can be very challenging. Not a few children who have difficulty reading, but reading is important to open their doors to science.If your child has difficulty reading, do not despair and keep creating creative solutions to foster your child's interest in reading. You can also do the 16 things below, so that the baby is getting clever and diligent

Read aloud 
 Reading out loud and loud is the best and easiest way to improve vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension the child. In addition, listening to parents read the book also helps children to understand the story, even if they are not able to understand all the words. 

See image 
Children of all ages can benefit from looking at the pictures in picture books, because the images provide important clues that will help your child understand and anticipate certain words in the passage. For example, when you see the child in the picture and the written word "moon" in there, then he will recognize the word. Start with the image also helps children to focus more on the meaning of the story, because there are some children who are too focused on the letters so they actually do not understand the meaning of the story. In addition, images can also reduce frustration and increase their understanding of the child. 

Know what is normal 
Is your baby a 4-year-old has been good at reading? Or he's just having trouble understanding the letters? If your child is the latter, then no need to worry because it's normal. In fact, the two conditions above are both normal. Before the child enters the school year, they have to know the form of books and words contained in it, which is read from left to right. As people age, they will begin to recognize sounds, letters, and stories and start to guess the words. In the next stage, the child will experience growth like reading more words, even with a look, and they are also able to read with comprehension. 

Read alternating 
When reading stories to kids, let them read the conversations were also a certain character. Ask them to read aloud together with you. Read in this way will increase their understanding when reading. If your child can not read, ask her to explain the picture or give it questions about the page you have just read. 

Play on words 
Not a few children who have difficulty reading, which stops at the basic skills, ie to recognize letters and basic grammar. To improve their ability to read, you can make a simple game, such as making words rhyme, set the magnetic letters on the refrigerator, and other games that will make your child play with words and sounds. 

Sharing strategy 
Good readers typically begin to read by scanning the titles and subtitles, while poor readers often feel overwhelmed by the number of words that are, so that they will give up even before reading. Do not let your child become a second type of reader. For that, you explain to them how to approach a book or article. Know their preferences will make children love reading (Picture: For example, when you read the newspaper, which you read first? The title or caption on the picture? Share this strategy will make their child not be afraid to look at the words that are so abundant of a book or other reading. 

Take advantage of their hobby 
What do kids like? Football? Barbie doll? Royal princesses are beautiful? Take advantage of their hobby to encourage children to love reading, because they are likely to read things they love would be bigger than you impose a reading on them. In addition, the use of books and reading that they like will help them to better understand what they already know, so with that background they will be easier to understand the existing literature.

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